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Application Form

Do you plan to talk on voice calls?
Based on your usual schedule, how many activities do you plan on attending per month?

If you feel that Misty Rangers is the right club for you, and you'd like to join, fill out this application form!


Please make sure to read the rules and requirements below before submitting.


To join Misty Rangers you must be:


➤ 17 years or older


➤ on Firestar Server (AUS/NZ)


➤  a Star Rider


➤  have Discord



You must agree to the following rules:


➤  As a member of MR, you are expected to treat people with kindness. This includes both inside the club and in the general Star Stable community. Your actions represent our club, let's make it positive.


➤ Listen to the Leaders and Owners, and come to them if you have any concerns.


➤ Avoid discussing potentially triggering or political topics. Be mindful of those around you.



➤ If you are on a voice call, please do not have your mic turned on if you are in a noisy environment (e.g TV playing or people talking).


Thank you for applying! If your application is successful, we will contact you on Discord within two weeks.

Please lookout for a request from so***ee

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