Participation and Roles
Our role and participation system has been created to be achievable for people with a range of schedules. We are proud to be a club that is suitable for adults with busy lives.
The minimum participation requirement gives plenty of room for busy patches, although we do expect you to attend activities when you can. It's the members that make the club after all!
Our role system provides guidelines around how often to attend activities. The roles are recognition for your involvement in the club, and a fun goal to work towards.
The Roles
âž¾ Been in the club for 6 months or longer
âž¾ Attends four activities per month
Experienced Rider
âž¾ Been in the club for 1 - 5 months
âž¾ Attends four activities per month
âž¾ First month in the club
The first month of being in the club is a trial period to ensure that we are a good fit for each other. Please attend at least two activities during this time so that we can get to know you.
âž¾ Participation twice a month
âž¾ Participation once a month
This role is a 'busy period buffer'. If you are busy, this role will give you some extra time.
If you remain a Novice for three months, we will message to see how you are doing. We will discuss whether attending more activities or leaving the club is the best choice for you.
How It Works
Ranking Up
Notified Breaks
Your role can be moved up any time throughout the month. As soon as you meet the requirements, you will be ranked up.
Ranking Down
Roles are only moved down at the end of the month. This gives you the opportunity to attend any of the month's activities before being ranked down.
If you are a "Member" or higher and don't attend any activities for a month, you'll be moved down to "Novice".
Notified breaks are absolutely welcome as we know that life is turbulent.
If you are unable to attend activities for 1 - 3 months, let one of the Owners or Leaders know via a Discord DM.
If you think you'll be inactive for longer than 4 months, we can discuss special consideration.
While on a NB, you will be placed as a Novice.
Removal Due to Inactivity?
We will never remove someone without contacting them first.
We will send a private message through Discord. It's important to know how they are doing, and discuss whether becoming more active or leaving the club is the best choice.